FiderConsult Management Advisory Services

Sergio Fedele - 12/02/2024

HR News 2/2024

EXECUTIVES - Industrial companies: news regarding the renewal of the national collective labor contract dated July 30, 2019, for executives of companies producing goods and services.

Renewal of the National Collective Labor Contract for Executives: Agreement between Confindustria and Federmanager dated November 13, 2024, valid from January 1, 2025, to December 31, 2027.

With the agreement dated November 13, 2024, Confindustria and Federmanager have renewed the national collective labor contract for executives of companies producing goods and services, effective from January 1, 2025, to December 31, 2027.


To be scheduled

- Minimum wages: from January 1, 2025; from January 1, 2026

- One-time payment: by March 2025

- Professional training: January 2025

- Supplementary assistance: from January 1, 2025

- Supplementary pension: from January 1, 2025

To note

- Changes to personnel classification, transfers, illness, maternity,

  and marriage leave


Personnel classification

The definition of an executive is expanded to include professional figures of higher qualification and established technical-professional experience who contribute to defining and independently achieving the objectives of the company or its autonomous branch.


Minimum wages

The total minimum guaranteed remuneration (TMCG) is set as follows:

- €80,000.00 from 2025

- €85,000.00 from 2026


Performance-based remuneration

Variable pay systems linked to indices or results (Manager by objective) that must be adopted in the company must consider, for the purpose of determining compensation, the periods of mandatory maternity and paternity leave, as well as parental leave.


One-time payment

As compensation for the year 2024, a one-time payment equal to 6% of the annual economic treatment recognized in 2024 will be paid by March 2025 to executives:

- who have been classified as such since at least January 1, 2019;

- who have not received salary increases or other forms of compensation (*), excluding seniority increases and compensation or increases due to the adjustment of the TMCG during the previous national collective labor contract and until November 13, 2024;

who receive an annual economic treatment of up to €100,000.00 in 2024.


Business trip

The reimbursement for undocumented expenses is increased to €100.



A transfer cannot be mandated for an executive:

- who has reached the age of 55;

- who has reached the age of 50 with minor children;

- with dependent children with a recognized disability.



In the case of oncological conditions, job protection is extended from 12 to 18 months (the additional 6 months applies only in the first three years from the onset of the illness).



Company negotiations can conventionally extend the mandatory paternity leave period as per Article 27 bis, Legislative Decree No. 151/2001.


Marriage leave

On the occasion of marriage, executives not on probation are entitled to 15 days of leave, which may be non-consecutive, paid at 100%. The leave request must be submitted with 3 months' notice.


Professional training

From 2025, companies must pay an annual contribution, per executive in service, amounting to:

- €100, for the funding of the Fondirigenti Giuseppe Taliercio Foundation;

- €100, for the funding of the 4. Manager association. In both cases, the start date of the contributions will be defined with a separate agreement.


Supplementary assistance

From January 1, 2025, the policy for death or permanent disability will be increased to €300,000.00 (€400,000.00 in the case of dependent children and/or spouse). The executive will contribute to the cost of the related premium with an amount of €300.00.

Supplementary pension

For executives in service on January 1, 2010, as well as for those employed subsequently, the contribution to Previndai will be, from January 1, 2025, the following percentages of the actual total remuneration (*):


Annual contribution capped rate (%)

Employer contribution rate (%)

Executives contribution rate (%)

Up to € 200.000,00